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Make every viewing count – the new best practice for qualifying applicants

Webinar recorded live on

Record levels of leads. Increased costs (and risks) involved in viewings. Fewer staff. All of these factors mean that better qualification of applicants has a massive role to play in helping your business succeed in this unique market. Time is gold-dust and every member of your team needs to be using it as effectively as possible.

In this webinar, we’ll be joined by two leading agents and Rightmove’s customer platforms manager to discuss the new best practice for qualifying applicants across sales and lettings.

You’ll come away with practical tips you can implement straight away to help you shortcut to the hottest applicants and put in place processes to nurture the rest.

We’ll dive into:

– Putting in place a stricter lead qualification process
– The role of tech in filtering the keenest applicants
– How to make every viewing count and minimise viewings that don’t lead anywhere

Got a question for our guests? Let us know when signing up for the webinar and we’ll put it to them in the Q&A afterwards.

Our panel will consist of: