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Branch Description Amend Request

The branch description is the ideal location to talk about your business, history, ethics, successes and service levels to help vendors, landlords, buyers and tenants get to know you better. If you'd like to update your branch description, simply complete the form below and our team will be happy to do this for you.

All content displayed in your branch description will need to be in accordance with advertising best practices, regulations, and guidance, as outlined in the Text Content Guidelines. Here's some quick pointers on what can and can't be included:


You can find more detailed guidance specific to the branch description on page 14 of the Technical Guidelines under the heading "Misuse of Profile Page"

To view this form, you need to be logged in to the Rightmove Hub. This is a separate log-in to Rightmove Plus. If you can’t see the form below, please log in or click “sign up to Hub” below and take a few seconds to register.